A Salesman's Creed
I dedicate this blog post to the people I had worked with over the past 4 years of my tenure in the Real Estate Industry, specially my clients who trusted me, they are the reason why I reached this certain point where I am right now and to my Mom who was always been my motivation to continue fighting, despite failing.
While browsing my Facebook Friends I came to realize that I had met different people who came from different places and industry already, continuing the path I chose in order for me to fulfill my dream to become the Greatest Salesman in the World along the way somehow, I was able to serve different people with different needs.
As I handle their needs and each objections, the people I met taught me necessary lessons and help me acquire enough competent skills I needed to pursue this career for me to serve more and to continue to seek the deeper purpose why of all the newly hired that time, it was me who was able to sell and continue up to this day.

This is a lovely family picture of the Crudo Family, during my 2nd month in the industry one sunday of July, i was assigned to man our site and showroom in San Juan, in the streets of Pinaglaban, where G-Liner buses, Jeeps and Cars pass, Property Consultants of my Group do a very traditional way of Prospecting activity called "Flag Down", wherein the whole day under the sun and smoke, you wave your hand holding the flyer as branded cars pass by with the hope that they will stop to you and check what your offering inside the site which is a condominium development and a model unit. Until one Man, Mr. Dizon came in and said "Pre Kamusta? Matagal ka na ba dito, yung kaibigan ko pupunta hinihintay ko lang." Then i introduced myself and i found out that he was a buyer and a former client of a former consultant.
So his friend and his wife came, Mr. and Mrs. Crudo, Mr. Dizon introduced me and somehow i was able to present the project well from site development plan, turn over, model units and investment schemes, the basics however, i'm so weak in probing them I didn't even asked if they lived nearby and most of all to build rapport, my late Manager Mr. Bon de Guzman, my trainer and friend Chris Java often point out that this areas the areas i need to improve the most because I’m very meek and soft spoken and just go straight to the presentation without even asking how the clients are, worst i didn't even shake hands or look in the eye. So after the presentation Mr. and Mrs. Crudo said they will study it with their Mom, Mam Elvie.
I left my hometown Laguna to pursue my job; during those first months I realize the feeling of being home sick was true and it really makes you week, since I had the guts to leave everything behind for my ambition, I made a vow to myself, that I wouldn’t go home until I have good news to deliver which is a sale, back then we are only given a deadline of 3 months to sell and after that you’re out, what driven me to strive for an Ice Break was to continue financing for the room I’m renting and to surpass that 3rd month rule and for me to stay for long. I was feeling sad already that I couldn’t come home for my mom’s birthday, I was pleading to God to let me sell before the end July so I can come home.
Another Sunday came a day before my mom’s birthday, I was assigned to man our site and showroom again, the rain outside is so mad there’s nothing I can do but to stay inside our office, I really felt the agony of despair already, I’m actually starting to curse the rain until I received a text message from Mr. Crudo asking if I’m in the showroom, I said yes and they replied; we will go there around 2PM. I realized the rained had stopped and there was light from the afternoon sun. There was hope.
I felt unfamiliar rumblings in my heart, the feeling of excitement for an appointment with the hope of closing the sale, I prepared my Sales kit and everything else as I waited for them. Then they came, Mr. and Mrs. Crudo together with Mr. Crudo’s Mom, Mam Elvie, I know she is the major decision Maker and I was very nervous during the meeting, the anxiety of failure that with just one wrong word I utter, I might screw up the transaction, but I could not let my clients notice it, I just did what I was trained to do, and so we came down to the last part of the presentation; discussion of investment scheme and after that, Mam Elvie asked Mr. Crudo if this is the unit they like and they approved. So it came, they said okay we will reserve this unit, get the check later at home around 4PM, call our landline once you’re on the way.
While walking going towards their place I was still very nervous, thinking if this is true, did they give me the wrong address and they are just joking and making me hope for nothing, because of that I actually got lost and took the wrong street, finally I found their address, as I go inside there was total silence, I felt like I wouldn’t go out here alive, Mam Elvie started to ask questions about me to know me better and I answered, but again I couldn’t speak much for I’m afraid that if I say something wrong I might screw things up, and so we go down on signing the forms and then there it is the check while she was writing I was still thinking if it is true, I’m stuttering while she asked to whom they will address the check she said; “May benta ka ah?!” I humbly replied; “Yes Mam, actually gift ko na to sa Mom ko birthday niya po tomorrow”, everything turned out well, I handed their receipt and I walk my back to our office.
As I walk, along the way the rain started to pour again with strong winds as if it was mad at me, but it didn’t matter anymore I just smiled as I embraced the envelope containing a new Sale, despite being soaked with rain I was happy and just said; God thank you for this, you answered my prayers.
That instance wherein despair was swiftly shifted to hope was what I was holding on to persevere even thru difficult times, currently I am based in Makati wherein I experience how God manifested his love for me and realize that miracles only occur to those who has the capability to pray for it and try again.
I remember 2 years ago January 2013, my Boss told me that I will be demoted if wouldn’t be able to sell, I confidently replied; Sure Sir this month? But he bluntly said; No, until tomorrow. I said to myself okay, what I do that’s tomorrow and I can assess if I can deliver or not so I had accepted the fact that I will be demoted already.

I prayed in Greenbelt Chapel saying God it’s up to you now and I’m sorry if I didn’t make the most of the opportunity you blessed me with, the next day, a Saturday I reported to work early as usual, I went to Salcedo Market to hand out flyers, a few moments after I received a call asking about Greenbelt Hamilton, I told her we can just meet in our showroom and she said she will be there around 10AM. In short, she bought a 2 Bedroom unit right there and then, that as if it was carefully planned and was meant to happened for me not to be demoted and I didn’t. I’m happily serving Ms. Liza and through her I got to meet Sir Gilbert, they became my clients and at the same time, mentors about service above self.
However October 2013, worst came up, my boss told me if I wouldn’t be able to sell 2 units that month, I will be terminated. Okay, with all the faith from all that I had been through up to that day I didn’t got scared at all because I know God was with me, but sometimes this faith is often times being tested, upon going back from an activity I received an email from one of my clients saying they wouldn’t pursue the purchase, I was working on this account since last month and last time we discuss things everything seemed to be well I thought so and I expected that this will save me from being terminated but it did not and the month is about to end already, I cried like a baby in front of my computer. I actually didn’t know what to do; again it was despair and anxiety of losing.

But before the month end the tides turn, there was an inquiry from our office and that day, it just so happen I came in first so it was awarded to me so I invited them to come to our upcoming event, right there and then Mr. Joric and Ms. Gina reserved a unit, through them I meet Mr. Nelson by 2014 who became my client also and I am servicing them now. October 31, I was able to close another account, Tita Mona, whom I just met in landmark which finally saved me from being terminated. Indeed Miracles only occur to those who has the capability to pray for it and try again and probably, my purpose in Makati is not yet done, perhaps I was meant serve more and stay and to further seek my true purpose.
Currently, I’m still here searching for people I can serve, I will continue to walk this path, perhaps our clients were praying to have their own space, their own investments. So my creed and prayer would be; to be God’s instrument for the client’s answered prayer to help them have what they need and truly deserve.